Treat It Early
A condition known as Spalling, the concrete develops scales or large chips whereby the surface crumbles away from the surrounding. Caused by carbonation, the concrete spalled due to the carbon dioxide reacting with the chemicals in the concrete. Another cause of concrete spalling is due to the steel bars within begins to expand or corrode, resulting in the chipping of concrete.
If treated early, the replacement of the entire concrete object can be avoided by repairing the concrete spalling.
Prevent Leakage
The corrosion is caused by the ingress of moisture and acidic elements. It usually leads to cracking and bulging of the concrete cover over time. Not to be alarmed about, as it is a natural wear and tear process and can be mitigated through regular painting of the ceiling. Spalling concrete is usually a minor issue and can be easily repaired through regular maintenance.
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9229 5755 / 6659 0062